Lisa Liz Trombone

Trombonist/Music Educator

2019-2020 TMEA All-State Etudes

It’s that time of the year again! Preparation for the TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) All-State Band Auditions. I started up this project last year with my husband Patrick (who is from Texas). The videos were received well and we would like to continue this project! For 2019-2020 our friend Seville Jenkins also participated in making a video.

Here is a quote from my post from last year on this topic. I still feel the same way, so I am re-sharing it!

“The purpose of us sharing these etude videos is to provide high school students who are auditioning a reference they can use in their preparation. Too often in music education children only get a sound and musical reference from their peers. I believe that is one of the reasons people take so long to master an instrument. (I am still working on it everyday)! Victor Wooten talks a lot about this concept in his book, The Music Lesson. In elementary music classes, kids only hear other elementary students playing instruments, therefore they never excel beyond that level. In junior high, they are exposed to a slightly higher level of musically performing peers, and so on. In a small effort to break this cycle, I hope these videos can be of use to young aspiring trombonists.”

This year, we added another element to the video series. This was my first time to include talking points and practice tips in one of my YouTube videos. After the etude is played, it serves as a mini music lesson or masterclass. I hope students will find my tips helpful!

We have posted these videos on our YouTube channel, SlideShow. In addition to our fun trombone ensemble videos that we love making, we also want to make it a goal to support music education. Here is my interpretation of 2019-2020 TMEA Etude #2 Blazhevich No. 86:

To watch videos for Etude #1 and Etude #3 please go to our YouTube channel here:

After you watch, please subscribe to our channel. We would love you to contribute to making our channel grow, so our videos can reach a larger audience and we can continue making trombone videos for you!

© 2019 Lisa Lizanec Chappell. All rights reserved. Site by Boldly Fine.