Festival Trombón GT
I was honored to participate in Festival Trombón GT, Guatemala’s international trombone festival. As almost all musical events this year, it was done virtually. The virtual format worked out very well, although I am very excited to travel to Guatemala in person next year for the event! Of course, travel restrictions pending… fingers crossed.
I taught a group class on Zoom where we went over trombone fundamentals and warm up techniques. At the end of the class there was a Q&A session where the participants were able to ask questions that they had. I was happy to have my friend, Dr. Jose Leonardo Leon translate to Spanish for me. I hope to upload the whole video of the class to my YouTube channel in the future. I think this will be a great resource for my Spanish speaking trombone friends! I am looking forward to sharing the class with you all.
If you would like more information about Festival Trómbon GT check out their links below! I will also share the event flyers down below.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trombongt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trombongt/