Continuing SlideShow’s etude recording project, here are a couple videos I recorded for the 2019 ABODA (Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association) Regional and All-State Band auditions. Like our TMEA and DoDEA video series, these videos are made for auditioning students to use a reference in their preparation. I was very happy to record these etudes for my home state of Arizona! It was great to talk to so many local Arizona music educators about this project. (Many of whom are my friends, colleagues and past teachers!) I am glad know they were able to share them personally with their students.
To see more audition etudes and other trombone videos check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel here: SlideShow
After the positive feedback we received from our TMEA All-State videos, we have decided to make more etude reference videos for other states and districts. I am very excited to grow this project! In Yokosuka, Japan, where I live now, there are military schools that American children can attend. I did not even know these school districts existed until 2 years ago. The school district is called DoDEA, Department of Defense Education Activity. Since living in Yokosuka, I have built relationships and worked with many of the DoDEA music educators. I recorded these etudes for the kids to reference for their upcoming Pacific Honor Band auditions. It has been fun to share these videos with the kids personally and watch them get excited about their auditions. I have also learned, KIDS LOVE YOUTUBE! I mean, so do I, but WOW! I had no idea.
Please enjoy and feel free to share these videos with any music educators or students. I am also very interested in hearing your thoughts about this etude recording project. Please send me a message in the contact section of my website if you have any input. Next up is my home state of Arizona!
As some of you may know, my husband, Patrick (who is also a trombonist!), is from Texas. He had the idea for us to record the TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) All-State Band audition etudes for trombone. The purpose of us sharing these etude videos is to provide high school students who are auditioning a reference they can use in their preparation. Too often in music education children only get a sound and musical reference from their peers. I believe that is one of the reasons people take so long to master an instrument. (I am still working on it everyday)! Victor Wooten talks a lot about this concept in his book, The Music Lesson. In elementary music classes, kids only hear other elementary students playing instruments, therefore they never excel beyond that level. In junior high, they are exposed to a slightly higher level of musically performing peers, and so on. In a small effort to break this cycle, I hope these videos can be of use to young aspiring trombonists.
We have posted these videos on our YouTube channel, SlideShow! In addition to our fun trombone ensemble videos that we love making, we also want to make it a goal to promote music education. Here is my interpretation of one of the 2018-2019 TMEA Etudes: