Lisa Liz Trombone

Trombonist/Music Educator

The Bone Zone is now SlideShow!

The Bone Zone has now been renamed and rebranded as SlideShow!


SlideShow!, formerly The Bone Zone, is a collection of trombonists from all over the world. At one point or another, in many different combinations, we have all played with each other in the same place! But time moves on, people take different gigs and people move to different places. We have always had so much fun playing together that we wanted to keep the party going. Utilizing the ever evolving world of technology, we are a modern day assembly of musicians that show that anything is possible! We arrange, record, produce music videos, and of course communicate with each from around the globe. We play what we want to play - our favorite songs and music from our favorite TV shows, movies, Broadway musicals and even trombone repertoire. All of which have special meanings to us as a group. So please enjoy our videos, share, like, subscribe and come join the party!

You can follow SlideShow! on social media to keep up with our latest projects, news about the members, and lots of other trombone fun!

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© 2019 Lisa Lizanec Chappell. All rights reserved. Site by Boldly Fine.